In November, actress Uma Thurman said she was waiting to speak out about sexual harassment and sexual assault until she felt less angry. That day has arrived.
Thurman finally told her story to The New York Times in a devastating account published Saturday. In it, Thurman alleges that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein attacked her multiple times. Thurman also recounts several strange abuses of power on behalf of her Kill Bill director, Quentin Tarantino.
The actress says Weinstein's incessant flattery, as well as the high position he held, made her miss what would otherwise be seen as key warning signs. She connects her former agency, Creative Artists Agency, with Weinstein's predatory behavior. And she feels deep guilt for failing to protect all the other women who Weinstein assaulted after her: Read more...
More about Entertainment, Sexual Assault, Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman, and Harvey Weinstein